Recommended Websites
These websites are recommended by the library, but are not guaranteed to be accurate.
Cite information you get from these links as WEBSITES.
Cite information you get from these links as WEBSITES.
Google Art Project - Explore
museums from around world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at
incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of
Smarthistory from Khan Academy. This is an open source website. Check the contributor information to find out if you think the person who wrote the essay you're looking at is an expert on the topic. ArtBabble - information about artists, styles and media from the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Museums: Art Institute of Chicago Frick Collection Getty Center Guggenheim Harvard Art Museums ICA Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Modern Art National Gallery of Art Smithsonian American Art MoOM - The collection of online museums |
(700's - 700 The Arts – General, 710 Civic/Landscape, 720 Architecture/Design, 730 Plastic arts/Sculpture, 740 Drawing/Decorative Arts, 750 Painting, 760 Graphic arts, 770 Photography)